Struct _psyiage_sink_mqtt_cfg

Struct Documentation

struct _psyiage_sink_mqtt_cfg

MQTT sink configuration The configuration for the MQTT sink type.

Public Members

const char *server

URL of MQTT broker.

const char *clientid

Client ID. NULL for default (device id)

const char *username

Username for authentication. NULL if authentication is not used.

const char *password

Password for authentication. NULL if authentication is not used.

int mqttversion

MQTT version to use (0) = default: start with 3.1.1, fall back to 3.1 if failure (3) = only try version 3.1 (4) = only try version 3.1.1.

int timeoutsecs

Timeout for connection attempts in seconds.

int qos

Quality of service to use for the messages (0) = At most once (1) = at least once (2) = Exactly once.

const char *topics[PSYIAGE_NUM_ENDPOINTS]

MQTT topic names for each endpoint.

NULL for default.

Default topic names: “<client-id>/session” “<client-id>/metrics” “<client-id>/events” “<client-id>/logs” “<client-id>/profile”