Struct _psyiage_meminfo

Struct Documentation

struct _psyiage_meminfo

Memory Information Details of memory subsystem.

Public Members

uint64_t aveloads[3]

1, 5, and 15 minute load averages (ie. active tasks)

uint64_t totalram

Total amount of system memory in bytes.

uint64_t freeram

Total amount of available memory in bytes.

uint64_t sharedram

Total amount of shared memory in bytes.

uint64_t bufferram

Total amount of memory used by buffers in bytes.

uint64_t totalswap

Total amount of swap space in bytes.

uint64_t freeswap

Total amount of available swap space in bytes.

uint64_t totalhigh

Total amount of high memory in bytes.

uint64_t freehigh

Total amount of available high memory in bytes.

uint32_t numprocs

Total number of processes.